Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Magazine: RAGE Magazine's Spoiler Finally Out!

Unless you've all been sitting under a rock for the past month, I'm sure you've found out recently about a the amazing Missricopenguin's, promising new project, RAGE Magazine. I am a graphic designer and writer for the magazine and I knew that Kylie would bring forth good work, but this spoiler absolutely blew me away. The pose, the background, the makeup, the model. It's beautiful. I expect great things from this magazine.

What's your take on this upcoming magazine?


  1. Ooh thanks for posting :D I'm super exciting about it :D
    Just wondering btw, but how did you make the picture so big? ;O

  2. oh, that's weird, it was really big before but not anymore?? :P
    nevermind x)

  3. It's cause I updated the post to make it smaller ;) it was huge lol
    and no problem! it deserved the feature :)

  4. I think I looks amazing! Can't wait for the magazine to be released (:
