Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Magazine: Forever Chic, Lipstick, & Entourage Release Their Spoilers

Today was very crazy with many magazine news.
Three spoilers came out today.

One was from magazine Forever Chic:
Models: Bluegreen86 & DiamondMag

 The other was from Lipstick:
Model: Unkown

The third one was from Entourage:
Model: Poohg_1993

Generally, I really love Lipstick Magazine, I really do. It's beautiful and the staff of it always does a great job, but I felt that their spoiler was weak this time around. I was not impressed. I hope that their Christmas Edition will be much better than the spoiler.

And as for my spoiler? Well, I can't really say much, because it was my creation, other than that I've been working on it for a week now and spent over 10 hours on it. 

Entourage... For a debut edition, it's  impressive! I just don't like the magazine-cover feeling to the spoiler...unless this IS their final cover? In which case posting it as a spoiler is odd.  The dress is poor quality. But again, for a debut it's decent.

Which one did you like best? Are you excited for the upcoming magazines?